How others manipulate us daily without our knowledge
You meet some people any given day who fill you with pleasure and joy of life. You feel comfortable and agreeable with them. Their energies are radiating, they just merge with yours, you feel pleased, content and healthy.
On the other hand you meet few others that fill you with anguish, anger, frustration and their mere mention can fill us with rage, sadness, disgust and very unhealthy feelings. They literally make us sick by their very presence in real or in our psyche or mind or soul. This does happen to all beings every single day on any plane. This whole process does occur on a subconscious level of mind, where you feel the vibrations but you don't really notice consciously or you simply do not or can't do much about it.
Most of the conscious acts of our daily life are well thought, planned or improvised but they are approved by our self-knowledge, experience and current state of mind. However the unconscious acts of daily life are hidden under an opaque glass of memory bank, which is like a fixed deposit that you cannot access constantly; because they are programmed very carefully. Many of these acts by unconscious part of mind are automatic, happen without much effort on our part. When they are pleasing we enjoy them. When they are not pleasing we are altered and their strong impact is noticed through images & reflections we see in OTHERS whom we have to inter-act with. This unconscious act of reflection leaves deep impression on conscious mind and suddenly we feel it on our physical body. The impression of such acts on body is usually very negative and they leave us from minor headaches to serious alterations in metabolism to life threatening dysfunctions.
How to deal with these negative and threatening images? The root cause of these programmed acts is our past experiences of this and other lives that is called upon as soon as we SEE a person related or associated with that act.
The acts in reality are like throwing stones on a silent, quiet, placid lake of mind. Waves created by such turbulence are shapes of our emotions that are activated by such acts. Example, fear, a very inherent built-in emotion resides in deep layers of mind but it is only activated when we are to see or feel some old programmed act reflected in a current act or person or event.
For example, lets say, you get shock waves through your mind and body upon seeing a long, sharp knife or a creepy animal. The act of FEELING fear is activated within us. The fear was already residing but it was quiet, dormant but upon seeing the images of knife or animal - it gets awakened.
Although merely an image it activates a sleepy programmed memory of some past experience. Likewise all negative people who we interact with; activate and alter our sleepy emotions, which can actually hurt us very seriously, only if we KEEP that image in our storage. If you just concentrate for few seconds, face it, and do not accept it, your mind will repel that image and it will be out. If however out of fear or disability or lethargy, you keep viewing the image, it will keep altering you and soon it will convert in a headache or panic or stress. If it only focuses on a particular part of the body, that area will be affected and will cause grave damage.
If you become strong, resistant and do not accept the negative image not suiting you well, it will not affect you and this way you can remain in good shape and nothing will affect you. Since this entire episode is on subconscious level, we don't usually give it much importance and ignore it; but if you become aware & alert, you can face it, reject it, repel it and get away from such damaging interactions.
In order to live in this world, you are bound to meet people from all walks of life. Each person you interact with, from the closest to a stranger, has his/her own history. They see you from THEIR eyes; experiences. They view you through colors of their own, not yours. Hence consciously or unconsciously, if you meet some unpleasant people, deal with them without accepting their deep images so that their interaction does not alter or activate your inner dormant feelings. You need to develop & practice on this matter, soon the IMMUNE system of your soul will be hardened like the skin of a turtle, and thus not letting an evil person affect you ever, saving you from bad moods, ill health and consequent disasters. The key of not activating your inner emotions is in your hand. By ignoring you give that key to others. Once you do that you can't expect much. Giving away key leaves you unsafe, vulnerable and weak. Control the keys.