Can you take me higher......
Maybe it's not so bad after all. Maybe deluding myself is part of the deal in self development, spiritual growth, coping with life.... or whatever you wish to call it. Paaaak, nyesel saya nggak ikutan MJH nya bapak. Hiks!!! Feel that I have so much negativity in me right now, can't quite put a finger on it, but it's there. Tired of people's ignorance and rudeness. Tired of being expected to be culturally sensitive while the rest of the 'world' stay ignorant. Bunch of bulls. My mind is already soaking up the sun in a beach in Bali, melting away in morning meditations while listening to the birds chirping away, sound of the rolling waves nearby. Melting myself in nature. Filling up my entire being with blissfully pure energy. Whoa.... hope I could view things from a better perspective upon my return.
Something that I really miss while being away. I do believe that places have different energy which somehow drive the behaviour of the people. This land in particular, lacks of depth, people walking around without prayers in mind nor believe in 'miracles' in life. Colorless. There's life, but there's no spirit. Just an empty case walking around breathing. How can you call that Life? Stripped out of all its magnificence, grandeur and mystery to merely mediocre task of getting through the days fulfilling physical and emotional's thirst. So unfair knowing that you owe that much to Life. I don't have to change it. I owe them nothing. I am watching and learning. It's suffocating. A break means getting away to a place where I can breath, sync and re-attune. I'm tired. So tired of all this. Let me breath....
Something that I really miss while being away. I do believe that places have different energy which somehow drive the behaviour of the people. This land in particular, lacks of depth, people walking around without prayers in mind nor believe in 'miracles' in life. Colorless. There's life, but there's no spirit. Just an empty case walking around breathing. How can you call that Life? Stripped out of all its magnificence, grandeur and mystery to merely mediocre task of getting through the days fulfilling physical and emotional's thirst. So unfair knowing that you owe that much to Life. I don't have to change it. I owe them nothing. I am watching and learning. It's suffocating. A break means getting away to a place where I can breath, sync and re-attune. I'm tired. So tired of all this. Let me breath....