Mar 7, 2007

Do you believe in soul mate?

** I've kept this article in my old journal a long while ago, adopted from one of sites that I frequently visited - James Redfield or Cayce.

Every individual that you have encountered or will encounter is your soul mate. Each human is a soul that has voluntarily entered Earth school in order to experience certain circumstances and to contribute certain gifts. It is a path that you have chosen - and that everyone you have met or will meet has chosen.

Your challenge is to determine how you will relate with the millions of soul mates that you will encounter in the course of your lifetime. The relationships that you now have are with fellow souls. The relationships that you will form in the future will also be with fellow souls. Relationships illuminate parts of yourself that need healing - e.g. parts that dominate others, try to please others, judge others, or exploit others. Changing your relationships will not heal those parts. Changing the way you perceive things will.

Changing relationships without intending to change yourself is like changing the actors on a stage. The play continues - only scenery and actors are different. But when you heal this part in you, the play changes. You will no longer need abusive relationship, or no longer need to dominate other or be submissive to another. That part of your journey is complete. Other new paths are now open for you to explore and learn....

" Your soul mates are not your saviours. They are your fellow students in this earth school"

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