Jan 13, 2007

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

Just something I need to share

Blind criticism is crap. Anonymous and cowards leave this sort of criticism.

The point is, generally people don't like being criticized. This may be different if it's meant to be a constructive comment. Some people may consider it but would prefer not to make it public. Book authors never include negative reviews or critics on the front cover of their books. There's never been any negative writings about painting in the art exhibition catalog.
There's simply a different forum to channel these sort of things.

I just don't understand that there're people who think picking on others is the best way to learn about differences. I think it's a selfish statement that does nobody any good but ego boosting. Try turning the mirror around for once. Yes, I object negative comments because there're people whose lives are miserable enough to spend time and energy throwing negative comments at others, seeing the world from the half empty glass.... instead of half full.